Based on the book by Stephenie Meyer
Directed by Chris Weitz
Imprint Entertainment
Rated PG-13
Plot Summary:
On Bella's 18th birthday, something awful happens at the Cullen house, leading to the family's departure and Edward's desertion of her. Unable to cope with the loss of him, Bella sinks into an abyss of depression. Months later, with the help of her old friend Jacob, Bella begins to climb her way out.
However, she still cannot get over Edward. Seeing a vision of Edward while recklessly attempting to ride a motorbike, Bella discovers she can see him if she engages in dangerous acts. This leads Bella to begin a series of ill-advised stunts, unwise for someone with her lack of coordination.
Meanwhile, her friendship with Jacob deepens, leading her to discover a dark secret of the Quilete tribe.
Critical Evaluation:
The second adaptation of the Twilight series meticulously follows the lead of both book and previous film. The depression experienced by Bella (so wonderfully detailed in the book) is symbolized by her motionless figure, seated in front of her bedroom window, and the change of seasons swirling outside. The friendship with Jacob is slowly developed, allowing for a successful shift in identification from Edward to Jacob, and the metamorphosis experienced by Jacob is convincing though fully digitized.
Viewer's Annotation:
After Edward's departure, Bella slowly attempts to rebuild her life--with the help of Jacob. Jacob,however, has his own pain and secrets to overcome.
Paranormal Romance
Author Info:
Weitz is a British director whose previous films include American Pie and About a Boy. Weitz also directed the poorly regarded filmic adaptation of Pullman's beloved novel The Golden Compass, part one in the His Dark Materials trilogy.
Viewer Level/Interest Age:
13 and up; but as I can attest to, this series is appealing to any age.
Filmtalking Ideas:
*Why does Edward leave?
*What is wrong with Jacob, and why can't he tell Bella?
*What is the reason behind Bella's sudden love of danger?
Challenge Issues:
None foreseeable. Minor violence and zero sexual situations. Just lots of pining.
Why Include?:
Because I have waited for this film to come out since I saw the last one (on its opening night!)