Season 1: Episodes 1-10
Created by Kevin Williamson, based on the novels by L.J. Smith
Alloy Entertainment
CW Network
Plot Summary:
"For a century I have waited for her...." says Stephan in the show's opening moments. He meets Elena, and for both it is as if their lives never existed before the discovery of the other. Stephan's brother appears shortly thereafter, proceeding whenever possible to throw a deadly wrench (or fang) to any activity he can. Elena does not know the brothers are vampires however, or that they lived in Mystic Falls one hundred and fifty years ago. Her gradual discovery of their secret, alongside she and Stephan's deepening bond, possesses the potential for hours of delicious, romantic television torture.
Critical Evaluation:
Williamson's ear for teenage dialogue, polished production values, and the romantic intensity of the Smith series combine for fun and suspenseful television. The serialization allows for a gradual buildup of chemistry, mystery, and tragedy, that would not be allowed in a shorter format. The makers' obvious insistence that the story be played straight, sans irony, allow the characters and fantasy elements to deepen and thrive.
Viewer's Annotation:
Since her parents' tragic deaths, Elena has been sleepwalking through her life. Then Stephan shows up, and Elena begins to believe in happiness again; that is, if his brother Damon will stop feeding off of humans and leave town for good.
Paranormal Romance/YA Fiction
Author Info:
Kevin Williamson, producer of the Scream films and the Dawson's Creek television series the primary impetus behind the serialized production of L.J. Smith's well-known YA series. Smith is also the creator of The Forbidden Game series, Dark Visions series, Night World series, and The Secret Circle series.
Viewer Level/Interest Age:
Gothic appeal and tormented romance appeals to all ages (though probably mostly females).
Showtalking Ideas:
*Why does Elena look so much like Katherine?
*Is Damon as evil as he seems?
*Can Stephan ever truly be happy?
Challenge Issues:
The occult, paranormal violence, sexual situations.
Defense to challenges:
The television show airs on the non-cable channel CW at 8 p.m., making any grievance against it basically futile.
Why Include?:
My obsession with all things vampire encompasses literature, film, and television.