Written by Stephenie Meyer
Directed by Catherine Hardwicke
Imprint Entertainment
Rated PG-13
Plot Summary:
In the middle of the spring semester, Bella moves to northwest Washington to live with her father. She glimpses the Cullen siblings from across the school cafeteria on her first day, feeling a strong pull towards the distant Edward. Bella cannot stop thinking about Edward, but she's uncertain as to why. Slowly, they begin to spend more time together, and Bella realizes she has fallen in love with a century-old vampire.
Critical Evaluation:
Shot in moody dark blues and icy whites, Hardwicke focuses her camera on Bella's wondering face and Edward's angry eyes. Each encounter between the pair is played out in extremes, mirroring the increasing passion Bella feels for Edward. The palpable chemistry between the two players is further heightened by the expressive score, sensitive voice-over, and unique beauty of both actors.
Viewer's Annotation:
Bella's uncertain as to what a future in Forks, Washington will hold for her. Then she meets Edward, and can't imagine a future without him.
Paranormal Romance
Author Info:
Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series is a world-wide phenomenon. She has since began another series, whose first book is The Host.
Catherine Hardwicke's first film was the attention-getting Thirteen. She has since directed the skateboard bio-pic Lords of Dogtown, and the uber-Christian The Nativity Story.
Filmtalking Ideas:
*Why does Edward seem repulsed by Bella?
*What is the history behind the Cullen's and Jacob's tribe?
*Why don't the Cullens bite humans?
*What are the feelings between Edward and Bella?
Viewer Level/Interest Age:
Swoonalicious for all ages.
Challenge Issues:
None foreseeable, as there is zero sexual situations, little violence, and a lot of chastity.
Why Include?:
First I saw the movie, then I became obsessed with the books.