Written and Illustrated by
Posy Simmonds
Houghton Mifflin Co.
New York
ISBN: 9780547154121
Plot Summary:
Loosely based on the 19th century Thomas Hardy novel, Far From the Madding Crowd, Tamara Drewe details the exploits of a writers' colony in the provincial English countryside. Shook up by the return of a much-improved former resident, the various members of the colony and town relate the ways their lives change (for the better?) with the injection of a temptress.
Critical Evaluation:
Previous knowledge of the Hardy tale does not affect the obvious pleasure experienced while reading this light-hearted, intelligent, fluffy novel. The various players' perspectives all add up to an inability to truly choose sides, making the novel's morals and morays much harder to decipher than originally believed. A treat.
Reader's Annotation:
When Tamara Drewe returns to Stonefield, life changes for everyone. A little sex, a little intrigue, and lots of deceit.
Graphic Novel/Literary Revision
Author Info:
Posy Simmonds is the author of numerous comics for The Guardian, graphic novels, and illustrated children's books. Nominated in 2001 for Gemma Bovary, in 2009 Simmonds won the French Association of comics, critics, and journalists Prix de la Critique for Tamara Drewe.
Booktalking Ideas:
*How do the multiple viewpoints add to a the reader's viewpoint of the story?
*Who is the most sympathetic character?
*Are Tamara and Beth victims of their circumstances?
Reader Level/Interest Age:
Teens and up
Challenge Issues:
None foreseeable.
Why Include?:
Because I believe that Simmonds' revisions are great fun, literary, and inspirational.